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RegFox Tour

How To Get Around RegFox

Moni avatar
Written by Moni
Updated over a week ago

In this Help Article you will learn how to navigate RegFox.

When you first login into RegFox you will see this screen:

Your Home Screen


In RegFox, we call an Event, a Page. Click Pages and then you have the option to View All Pages or Create A New Page to access your event Pages in RegFox.

Edit Page

Once you select View All Pages, you can select the Pencil icon on the Page you want to edit.

Switch Between Products

Select RegFox in the upper left hand corner and select any of our other products to access that product.

Registration Management

This section is where you will be able manage your registrants. Click the links below to learn more about what can be done in this section.


This is the place where you can see a Summary of all of your events. Click here to learn more.


This is where you can view all of your Event Pages.


This is the location where you can do the following:


Is the place where you can see all of your registrants contact information and record interactions, tasks, and more.


This is the location where you can do the following:


This is how you can access our Communication Center.


In this section you can access the following information:

Help and Support

Have questions? You can access our Knowledge-base and Solutions Team directly in RegFox as well.


Select the question mark open up our Knowledge-base:

Select the Magnifying Glass to search within your RegFox account, you can use these key phrases as a filter:

  • TRX: to lookup a transaction

  • REG: to look up a registrant

Support Team

Select the blue circle in the lower right hand corner to chat with our Solutions Team:

Account Management

Select the gear icon to Access your Account features. This is the location where you can do the following:

Switch Accounts

If you are a User on multiple accounts, you can switch Accounts here. Please note: that the email address must be the same on all accounts to be able to do this.

Organizational Details

The are where you can see your Organizations contact details. This is also where you can edit your subdomain. Click here to learn more.

Plans and Billing

This is where you can view the card on file for your account.


This is where you can view your monthly Invoices.


This is the place where you can Manage your Users and add Team Members to your RegFox account. Click here to learn more.

Payment Processor

This is where you can Manage and see your Payment Processor. Click here to learn more.

My Information

This is where you can turn on Two Factor Authentication, and update your personal information. Click here to learn more.


This is where you can sign out of RegFox.

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