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How Can I See A Summary All of My RegFox Events?

Lauren avatar
Written by Lauren
Updated over 9 months ago

Dashboard Overview

Below is additional information on...

  • Recent Transactions

  • Map of Visitors and Registrations

  • Registration Stats

  • Top Registration Levels

  • Top Coupons

The Recent Transactions section displays the number of registrants who have made a transaction in the past 60 days - the amount they paid, how many registrants are on the transaction and what page the transaction took place. 

The Map of Visitors and Registrations section displays where the visits to your page are coming from and the registration locations. You can use the drop down to switch regions.

Blue = visitors | Green = registrants

Registration Stats displays which device the registrant used while checking out, how many coupons were used, how much merchandise has been ordered, and if donations were included. 

Top Registration Levels display the quantity of how many were sold of each registration option. Levels are the registration option labels.  

Top Coupons show you the most popular coupons that were used by your registrants. 


Can I set a custom date range for my dashboard?

Yes, you can set a custom range by selecting Custom and then adding the dates you'd like to view. 

Pro-Tip! Use the Year-to-Date feature to view your growth from the beginning of the year to now, a handy tool to track sales. 

Key terms defined:

Net Sales- Subtracting any pending offline and/or refunds issued from the total amount of sales.

Page Visits- Displays the amount of visitors traced by a webhook that pulls total number of visits to the page(s).

Registrants- The total number of registrants in bold is the total number of registrations after subtracting number of pending offline registrants and those canceled. Below the total bold number is the gross amount of registrants (including the pending and canceled).

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