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Cancel a registration

Cancel one or more registrations and their associated items. Choose from a full refund, partial refund, no refund, or issuing a coupon code

Ashley avatar
Written by Ashley
Updated this week

We offer multiple options when it comes to canceling a registration. You can opt to cancel and issue a full refund, issue a partial refund or not refund at all.

Only users on your account with Reporting + Financial permissions are able cancel and refund registrants. Registrants are unable to cancel from the Registrant Account Center.

โš ๏ธ Warning: Cancelling cannot be undone and you will be unable to make any edits to the registration after it has been chancelled. The registrations including any additional selections will be immediately canceled and placed back into inventory. If you wish to make changes to a registration without cancelling it, click here.

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Cancel a registration and issue a Full Refund

  • From the Pages screen, select Registrations from the top menu bar

  • Search for the registrant you'd like to cancel and click the eye icon next to it

  • Click the Cancel Registrant button

  • Select Issue a full refund and cancel the selected registrant

๐Ÿ’กTip: When searching for a registrant, you can search for the registrant's name, email or order number (found on their receipt)

Cancel and refund options

You have a few options when canceling a registration:

  • Cancel and do not refund the transaction, cancel only

  • Cancel and do not refund, but issue a coupon code for future use

  • Cancel and issue a partial refund

  • Cancel and issue a full refund

๐Ÿ’กTip: Issuing a coupon code is recommended because you are able to retain your revenue as well as your no refund policy if you have one. And the registrant has a credit to use for a future event.

NOTE: If you select to cancel and issue a coupon for future use, the system will issue the registrant a global coupon code that will be good on any of your live pages. It is a one-time use coupon code and unable to be broken up across multiple transactions.

Cancelation Notice

You also have an option to send a Cancelation Notice. This will resend their confirmation email with your custom message appended to the top notifying them that their registration has been canceled and their registration(s) will no longer be valid.

A sample Cancelation Notice message might include: "Your registration has been canceled and fully refunded. You should see your refund deposited into your bank account in the next 7-10 business days. We hope to see you back next year!"

Check the box to agree to the terms of canceling the registration and click the Cancel button.

Canceled status

Once you cancel a registration, it will show a status of Canceled. If you issued a refund, that refund amount will display in brackets. The registration(s) and any other merchandise will be added back to available inventory. The registration(s) will no longer be able to be scanned either.

If you chose not to issue a refund, you'll notice there is not a refund amount listed.

Add a Note

If you'd like, you can scroll to the bottom of the registration and click Add Note +. Doing so allows you to append a note with this registration that is only visible internally to your team. This can be a good idea if you'd like to add a reason as to why you canceled or why you chose to refund the amount you did.


Why am I not able to cancel the registration and issue a refund or issue a coupon code for the full amount?

When canceling a registration, you might not be able to issue a refund or coupon code for the full amount if there has already been a partial refund issued.



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