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Process payments in international currencies

Allow people with a billing address or phone numbers outside the US to make purchases and/or process payments in currencies other than USD

Ashley avatar
Written by Ashley
Updated over 11 months ago

RegFox provides the ability to process transactions in currencies other than USD. This is often needed for events taking place outside of the USA. Only certain payment processors allow for international currencies.

NOTE: Each RegFox page can be set to one currency. If you have a need to process in multiple currencies, you'll simply want to copy your page and publish each one to the desired currency.

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Currencies currently supported by RegFox

The following are the currencies that are supported on a RegFox page.

USD: United States Dollar

CAD: Canadian Dollar

AUD: Australian Dollar

CHF: Swiss Franc

CNY: Chinese Yuan

EURO: European Union

GBP: British Pound

JPY: Japanese Yen

MXN: Mexican Peso

NZD: New Zealand Dollar

SGD: Singapore Dollar

BRL: Brazilian Real

NOK: Norwegian Krone

SEK: Swedish Krona

Features not compatible with International Currencies

There are certain features that are only available when processing in USD and are disabled on pages published to any currency other than USD.

The following features are not available when processing international currencies such as GBP, EURO, SEK or NOK:

  • Pre-registration

  • Order upgrades

  • Box Office On-site sales

  • Member Manager

Choose an international payment processor

Webconnex Payments

Our in-house processor, Webconnex Payments can process payments either in USD or CAD. If you had a page setup in CAD and someone from the US made a purchase, Webconnex Payments would convert the payment from USD into CAD.


For processing payments outside the US and Canada, a popular option is Stripe. Stripe supports over 100 different currencies. Review Stripe's compatible currencies and the supported RegFox currencies before going live for your event.

Adding an international payment processor

To process in international currencies, you'll want to go and add a new payment processor to your RegFox account.

  • From the Pages screen, hover your mouse over the gear icon in the upper right corner of your account

  • Select Payment Processors from the dropdown

  • Click Add Payment Processor

  • Select Credit Card from the Payment Method dropdown

  • Select your payment provider (you will likely select Webconnex Payments or Stripe)


if you choose to use Stripe as your international currency payment processor:

  • Select which currency(ies) you intend to accept

  • Click the Link Stripe Account button

  • Login to Stripe and assure your Stripe account setup is complete

  • Click the Pencil icon on the page you'd like to process an international currency with

Set your page's currency + Go Live

  • From the Pages screen, click the pencil icon on the page you'd like to set the currency for

  • Hover your mouse over the Settings header

  • Select Basic Setup from the dropdown

  • Select your currency from the Currency dropdown

  • Save and Publish your changes to go live

NOTE: The page's currency is unable to be changed once it is Published.

  • When copying or creating a new page, you have the ability to select the currency upon page creation


Q: Can I change the currency of my page after I've Published it?

A: Once a page has been published, the currency is unable to be changed.

Q: Can my page be converted to Spanish or any other language other than English?

A: Yes, your RegFox page can be converted to Spanish. Spanish and English are the only languages currently supported. Message our team to learn more.

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