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Host an Event Online (Virtual Events)

How Can I Setup A Virtual Event?

Katie Runyan avatar
Written by Katie Runyan
Updated over 11 months ago

A virtual event allows your registrants to register, pay and attend your event completely online. If your event is prevented from gathering in person due to COVID-19 or if you'd like to expand your reach by offering an online option, this is a great option for you.

If you're looking to convert an existing event that's already hosted on a RegFox page, you can do so by following these steps. Or if you're brand new, this article will walk you through the process from set up to going live.

This article includes -

  • A Video Demo

  • The Steps To Build Your Registration Page

  • How To Format Your Virtual Content

Video Demo

Building Your Registration Page

Begin by selecting New Page

Select Virtual as your event type.

You will also use this menu to give your event a name, a currency, and to estimate how many registrants you expect to attend.

Or you can get a jump start and choose from a pre-built Virtual Event template

Learn more about our new templates here.

Next, you can follow the prompts to add your logo and choose your theme.

Don't worry! This can all be updated or changed later.

Finally, use the Page Builder to format your registration options.

You can also add breakout sessions, merchandise sales, collect donations, and much more. Building your page is covered in detail here, but I have also linked up some helpful tutorials below to get you started.

Formatting Your Virtual Content

When your page design is complete and your registration options have been added, you're ready to format your Virtual Content.

All of these settings live under the Virtual Event dropdown in your page builder.

Choose if you'd like to allow your registrants to view your virtual content at the time they register or on a specific date and time.

If you select Specific Date Access, use the Livestream/Meeting tab to format your content. For Instant Access, use the On Demand Viewing tab to format your content.

The link display as a button that opens the content in a new tab. The embed code will display the content for the registrants to view on the Virtual Event page.

Select Add Another Session to add additional virtual content. Repeat as needed.

You can also add materials for download under the Downloads tab.

This is great for schedules, handouts, or any other resource that registrants would find useful.

All of the virtual content can be customized for viewing based on the date/time or the registrant's selection.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Why don't QR codes show up on the receipt for a Virtual Event?
    - Currently, Virtual Events are designed to be 100% online. Only Digital Access Codes will be available when hosting a Virtual Event. The QR code is designed to check people into an in-person event with the TicketSpice App, which is currently not compatible with the Virtual Event feature.

  2. Hybrid Events, can I host an event with some people showing up in person using Virtual Events?
    - Yes, you can host a hybrid event, in-person and online. But all tickets will have a digital access code because the Virtual Event feature is designed to be fully online.

  3. Can my in-person ticket level within the virtual event sales page have a QR code to be scanned with the TicketSpice App?
    - Not at this time. If you choose to sell in-person tickets within a Virtual Event page, there is currently no feature to give this ticket a QR code and take away the digital access code.

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