The confirmation page is where a registrant lands after successfully submitting their registration.
To customize this page, select Confirmation Page in the nav bar.Β
The first setting is the "Show pop-up with share and like buttons" checkbox. Check this box to enable the pop-up on your confirmation page, or uncheck this box to disable the pop-up.
The pop-up can function one of two ways:
Pop-up will allow registrants to share your registration page on their personal Facebook and Twitter accounts. This guide walks through setting that up in more detail.
Pop-up can display a custom message.
Select the "Custom confirmation pop-up message" option, then add the custom message in the text editor below.
*Please note, the pop-up will not appear while the page is in preview mode.
Next step is customizing the Confirmation Page's content. π
This is useful for including event-specific details, location, and directions.Β
Underneath the text editor, there are a few additional options that can be enabled by clicking on Additional Options.
- Show QR Code
The QR code is what our Check-In App scans to check registrants in to your event. Enable the QR code if you are scanning registrants in on-site.
- Show Tax Deductible Values
Enable the Tax Deductible Values if you'd like them displayed on the confirmation page.
-Show Apple Wallet
Enable Apple Wallet on the confirmation page to let registrants easily add and access their confirmation from the Apple Wallet app on their iOS devices.
-Show Add to Calendar
Enable Add to Calendar to give registrants the ability to add your event to their calendars.
-Promote another page
Enabling this will add a custom button to the confirmation page where you can promote and link your organization's website or storefront.
- Automatically redirect to another website
Registrants will be automatically sent to another website after 5 seconds. This is great if you'd like to redirect registrants to your organization's website, storefront, or a donation page after registering.
What is the purpose of the ##registrants and ##billing on the confirmation page?
These codes will automatically pull in a summary of the order and the billing (receipt) details on the confirmation page. They can be removed if that is your preference. The entire process can be tested in preview mode, so you can view how these options appear to the registrant.