In RegFox, you can pre-set the exact dates and times for your registration page to automatically open and close, ensuring that registrants can only sign up for your event during specified windows. This feature streamlines the registration process, and also helps you define exactly when you want to accept registrations.
Pro Tip: If the registration open and close dates are left blank, your page will remain open.
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Automatically Open Your Registration Page
Users can add a specific date and time to open the registration page, allowing you to market and promote your event, but limit people from registering for your event until a time you select. Here is how to set up this option.
From the Pages screen, select the pencil icon on the page you'd like to edit
Hover your mouse over the Settings tab in the top menu bar
Select Dates from the dropdown
Scroll to the Registration Dates section
Under the Registration Open Date tab, enter the date you'd like to open registration
Enter the time at which you would like your page to open
Enter a custom message you'd like to display prior to the page opening (optional)
Click Save Now in the upper-right corner of your page to save your changes. Click Publish to publish these changes to your live page
Pro Tip: Users can change the registration open date and time by clicking into the date and time field, and adding the new time. Users can also remove the registration open date by clicking Clear in the top right corner of the field.
If registrants go to your registration page before the page has opened, your page will display the logo of your page, the custom message you entered, a countdown, and an option to be notified when it's live
Users can enter their email to be notified when the page goes live
Any users who add their email will be automatically notified when your registration page opens
Note: The invite email users receive cannot be customized.
Automatically Close Your Registration Page
In RegFox, you can choose to automatically choose to close your page on a specific date, or close your page when your registration options sell out. Here is how to set up both options.
Close Your Registration Page on a Specific Date
When this option is added, your registration will close on a date and time that you select. Registrants will see a countdown clock at the top of the page when there are 5 minutes or less until the page closes.
NOTE: Once the closing date and time is hit, no additional registrations will be accepted. Even if a registrant is on the page filling it out, the page will close and they will not be able to submit it after the closing date and time.
From the Pages screen, select the pencil icon on the page you'd like to edit
Hover your mouse over the Settings tab in the top menu bar
Select Dates from the dropdown
Scroll to the Registration Dates section
Under the Registration Close Date tab, enter the date you'd like to close registration
Enter the time at which you would like your page to close
Enter a custom message you'd like to display after your registration closes
Click Save Now in the upper-right corner of your page to save your changes. Click Publish to publish these changes to your live page
Pro Tip: Users can change the registration close date and time by clicking into the date and time field, and adding the new time. Users can also remove the registration close date by clicking Clear in the top right corner of the field.
If registrants go to your registration page after the page has closed, your page will display the logo of your page, a message stating that online registration has closed, and the custom message you entered
Automatically Close Your Registration Page When Your Registration Options Sell Out
When this option is selected, the registration page will close once all of your registration options sell out. This will trigger when the general supply of your event is reached, or when each of your registration options sell out.
From the Pages screen, select the pencil icon on the page you'd like to edit
Hover your mouse over the Settings tab in the top menu bar
Select Dates from the dropdown
Scroll to the Registration Dates section
Click the Close When Registration Options Sell Out checkbox
Enter a custom message you'd like to display after your registration options sell out (optional)
Click Save Now in the upper-right corner of your page to save your changes. Click Publish to publish these changes to your live page
Change Your Event Start and End Date
The Event dates will populate the event date into the Add to Calendar feature on the confirmation page. If you need to change these dates, here is how to do so.
From the Pages screen, select the pencil icon on the page you'd like to edit
Hover your mouse over the Settings tab in the top menu bar
Select Dates from the dropdown
Scroll to the Event section
Under the Event Start Date or Event End Date tabs, enter or update your event start or end date
Add the time of your event (by default, the time is 12AM)
Click Save Now in the upper-right corner of your page to save your changes. Click Publish to publish these changes to your live page
How do I adjust the time zone of my page?
How do I adjust the time zone of my page?
Users can adjust the time zone of their page under the Basic Setup page. Here is how to update your time zone:
From the Pages screen, select the pencil icon on the page you'd like to edit
Hover your mouse over the Settings tab in the top menu bar
Select Basic Setup from the dropdown
In the Time Zone box, update the time zone
Pro Tip: RegFox pages on your account will by default be set to the time zone that is entered under the account's Organization Details. Here is how to update this time zone.
From the Pages screen, hover over the Gear icon
Select Organization Details
Click Edit Settings
In the Time Zone field, update the time zone as desired
Click Save
Can I find a list of all of the emails that wanted to be notified when my page goes live?
Can I find a list of all of the emails that wanted to be notified when my page goes live?
Yes, users can find a list of every email that opted in to receiving an email when the registration page goes live by going to the Analytics. Here is how to do so:
From the Pages screen, click the graph icon under the correct page
Under the Registrants tab, go to the Pre-Event Subscribers line
Click the number to download a list of all of the pre-event subscribers