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Add a registrant to an existing registration

If someone registered but forgot to add their friend or coworker, they can either start a new registration or you can add to an existing one

Ashley avatar
Written by Ashley
Updated over a year ago

If you are needing to add an additional registrant to an existing registration, we'll guide you through how to do so. Maybe a registrant's spouse or co-worker is now able to come and they'd like it to be on a shared registration vs creating a new unassociated one.

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Add a registrant to a registration

  • From the Pages screen, select Registrations from the top menu bar

  • Search for the registration you'd like to add another registrant to and click the eye icon to the right of it

  • Scroll down and click where it says Add Registrant +

Upcharge options

  • Once you add in all the new registrants information, you will be prompted that there is a charge due (assuming it isn't a free event and you didn't use a coupon code to waive the upcharge)

  • You can choose whether you'd like to charge the card they originally paid with, Charge a new card or Do not charge to override and waive the new charge

  • Once the new registrant has been added, you'll notice they now show under Linked Registrations

  • Their status shows as Completed

  • If you charged for the add, you will notice the transaction now displays under Linked Transactions

  • If you chose to Do not charge, there will be the amount you overrode listed under Admin Override

  • Lastly, you can scroll to the bottom and click Add Note + If you'd like to add any internal notes about the add

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