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Setting Up Tags In Google Tag Manager
Brandon avatar
Written by Brandon
Updated over a week ago

Google Tag Manager Containers can be set up to fire various ways. This article will walk you through our recommended set up to send information from our confirmation page to your Google Analytics account. 

Login to Google Tag Manager with your Google Analytics Tracking ID ready.

Create an Account then a Container.

Create a New Trigger.

Trigger type is Custom Event. The name is wx-transaction, this trigger fires on all custom events. It is also case sensitive. 

Select Tags tab and create a new tag.

Goal: Tracking All Page Views

- The tag type is Universal Analytics. The track type is page view. The Google Analytics Settings will be a new variable. Enter GA tracking ID and the cookie domain is auto, finally, save. Check enable overriding settings on this tag. 

- Click on the triggering window below and a pop up will appear. Check the icon to the left of All Pages and click save.

- Click the save button on the upper right side to save the whole thing.

Goal: Tracking Ecommerce

The tag type is Universal Analytics. The track type is transaction. The Google Analytics Settings will now have the previous one you set up, select it. Then check the box to enable overriding settings.

Click on triggering window below and a pop up will appear. Check the icon to the left of wx-transaction and click save. 

Submit and publish.

If Ecommerce is not set up in your Google Analytics account you can do that now. 

Plug your Google Tag Manager Container ID into your RegFox page, save and publish.

To test, open a live version of your RegFox page and have your Google Analytics reports open. You will want to be on the real-time overview option. You'll know it's set up correctly if you see activity in your overview. 

How to input your Google Tag Manager into RegFox.

Select Tracking from your Setting dropdown in the page builder. 

Here you can enter your tracking IDs.

FAQs - 

Can we have access to the Header to place our analytics tracking software code?

You can insert your analytics software code through Google Tag Manager.

Can RegFox customer service teach me Google Tag Manager?

We want to be helpful but we are not Google Tag Manager experts. To save you time, we suggest using the Google Support here or contacting a marketing professional for advice. 

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